About Me
Sam Sultan
M.F.A. Graphic Designer
Being from the Middle East, I am blessed to have been exposed to a diverse and rich environment. However, I still felt disconnected from myself and needed to grow as a person. What did I do? I traveled! I noticed something special; while each country spoke a different language, there was another more universal language that everyone understood, the icon! I was fascinated! It was so simple yet versatile and singlehandedly interested me in design as a form of storytelling. As I developed and met new people, I was able to form a new self-identity. I overcame many challenges and now am fortunate to belong to a vibrant community that sees me as a unique and exotic human being, a flamingo! As I further develop myself, I strive to create, share, inspire, and grow. Change is not scary; it has defined who I am today; it is a story that brought happiness to my life, and I hope it does to others too!
Me in a Minute
Here’s a quick video to introduce myself as a graphic designer within the design scope.