MEthru LA
Experiential Game Design
My Thesis explores Issues regarding Urban transportation within Los Angeles. More specifically, how design could help solve civic challenges. In this case, the problem that the LA Metro system has is vastly underused.
As a designer, I was interested in this subject because this city is known for being the land of cars, but while traffic and environmental concerns worsen over time, it is crucial now to get more people to venture off their dependence on the automobile.
My Thesis Project employs Experiential Game Design to appeal to young Angelenos by peaking curiosity and rewarding exploration in hopes of convincing them to utilize public transit as an alternative method of transportation.
Thesis introduction
A quick one minute insight video to introduce my thesis project of utilitizing design as a tool to address civic challenges.
Thesis Statement
The city of Los Angeles is known for being the land of cars, but while traffic and environmental concerns worsen over time, it is crucial now to get more people to venture off their dependence on the automobile. By using design as a platform to address civic challenges through a game, it is possible to eradicate the stigma of Public Transit in this city.
The Experience
Marketing video to encompass the experience of the game.
The Game
MEthru LA combines scavenger hunt and allocates users to utilize the metro as a method of discovery.
Augmented Reality is embedded so that users can engage with their surroundings and learn more about their city. By doing so, users will earn points that can be redeemed towards gift cards or metro passes.
MEthru LA also includes a multiplayer mode, called WEthru LA, that brings exploration with friends.
WEthru LA plans and executes activities for you and your friends!
MEthru LA can also act as a navigation app to simplify transit for those who are new.
The navigation feature is not limited to public transit as it includes walkin directions as well.
MEthru LA incentivizes users who play the game.
Users can redeem points for a reward while also learning about their accomplishments within the game.
Marketing Campaign
MEthru LA Ad communicates with relatable messaging and relates to where the ad is placed.
Advertising in Downtown Los Angeles
The subway entrance ad welcomes riders.
Subway Platform to remind commuters to earn points while riding.
Location-based messaging, like Hollywood, appeal to locals.
Cars also get messaging which emphasis on getting stuck in traffic.
Or sharing frustrations related to driving in this city.
People arriving at LAX should experience La la land their way and not the highway.
So that the stress of the road wont take us out.
Buses deliver messaging to wider audience and can act as a moving banner.
Same applies to light rail trains where they often run through city centers like Pasadena.
Social Media Ads are also one of the most direct ways of communicating with potential users.
Swags which include an iPhone case with built-in tap card, Tap Card keychain, and care products ensure that people would come back.
Process Book
Read the full process book of this project above.