MEthru LA

Experiential Game Design

My Thesis explores Issues regarding Urban transportation within Los Angeles. More specifically, how design could help solve civic challenges. In this case, the problem that the LA Metro system has is vastly underused.

As a designer, I was interested in this subject because this city is known for being the land of cars, but while traffic and environmental concerns worsen over time, it is crucial now to get more people to venture off their dependence on the automobile. 

My Thesis Project employs Experiential Game Design to appeal to young Angelenos by peaking curiosity and rewarding exploration in hopes of convincing them to utilize public transit as an alternative method of transportation. 

Thesis introduction

A quick one minute insight video to introduce my thesis project of utilitizing design as a tool to address civic challenges.


Thesis Statement

The city of Los Angeles is known for being the land of cars, but while traffic and environmental concerns worsen over time, it is crucial now to get more people to venture off their dependence on the automobile. By using design as a platform to address civic challenges through a game, it is possible to eradicate the stigma of Public Transit in this city.

The Experience

Marketing video to encompass the experience of the game.

The Game

Marketing Campaign

Process Book

Read the full process book of this project above.

Keynote Presentation


Sommsation Lounge